Recognizing Signs of Pain in Your Pets: When to Seek Veterinary Care

small brown chihuahua laying down next to a metal dog dish
July 11, 2023

Those with pets love them dearly and never want to see them hurting. Generally, we jump at the first sign of trouble and take our pets to the vet to heal them as quickly as possible. That’s a natural and instinctual thing to do.

However, one of the things pet owners might not know is that animals have evolved to not show pain. This is to help protect them in the wild against predators who take weakness as a sign to pounce. What does this mean for you and your pet? It means your pet might be in pain, and you don’t know it.

This article will help you recognize warning signs that your pet is in pain and tell you when to seek veterinary care.

Causes Of Pain

Sometimes ailments pop up out of the blue. For example, you might wonder, “Why is my dog limping”? It could be something simply stuck in their paw or a sign of something more serious. Arthritis or other forms of joint disease could be causing your doggy to slow down. This is common for older dogs.

Other ailments that could be more serious for your dog include back and hip problems, gastrointestinal problems, muscle injury, or cancer.

Oklahoma Veterinary Specialists provide expert care in internal medicine, ensuring your pet receives the best treatment for any medical conditions they may face.

Signs Your Pet Is in Pain

There are warning signs to look out for, and each should warrant a trip to the vet. Because you cannot come up with a diagnosis on your own, you want to go to the vet to ensure that if it is a worst-case scenario, you can get treatment started immediately.

We’ve already covered limping, so let’s look at other signs that your pet is in pain.

  1. Not eating: Pets love snacks and treats, so it can be a cause for concern when they stop eating. If you are wondering, “Why is my dog not eating?” it could be a whole host of things.
  2. Emotional distress: The first we will discuss is emotional issues. Just like us, emotions can wreak havoc on a pet’s belly. Separation anxiety, big life changes, or other traumatic emotional events could lead to your pet losing their appetite. Of course, each animal is different. Some animals will resort to overeating if they are in emotional distress.
  3. Illness: Illness can affect an animal’s appetite in a big way, as it does for humans. If you suspect your animal isn’t eating due to illness, you can try changing its diet to make it more appealing. Generally, a stomach bug shouldn’t last more than a few days.  If your animal is not eating and is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, you should take your animal to the vet right away. This could be a sign of a more serious condition.
  4. Medication: Just like medications can have unforeseen adverse reactions in humans, the same applies to animals. If your animal has been placed on a new medicine, it could affect its appetite. This is something to stay in touch with your vet about.

Shaking And Panting

Another thing to worry about is shaking and panting. So, if you are wondering, “Why is my dog shaking and panting” this section will answer your questions.

  1. Disease or illness: Several diseases could cause your animal to shake and pant. Lung or heart disease can cause this, as your animal is not getting enough air. Another disease common in younger dogs is distemper. It could also be a virus that should run its course. Another possibility includes poisoning.
  2. Uncomfortable or scared: If you have an animal dealing with anxiety, it may be shaking and panting simply because it is uncomfortable or scared. If you think this is the cause, move your animal as far away as possible from whatever makes them uncomfortable or scared and see if that helps.

When To Take Your Pet to The Vet

If you suspect that something is wrong with your pet, you should have them checked up ASAP! It is always better to be safe than sorry!

In case of an emergency, it’s crucial to be prepared and know the nearest emergency veterinary clinic to ensure your dog’s safety and well-being.

If you would like to learn more or are wondering what can you give a dog for pain, contact Oklahoma Veterinary Specialists today.

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