Can weed killer kill dogs?

can weed killer kill dogs
February 28, 2025

Spring and summer are when many homeowners begin sprucing up their yards to create an outdoor playground for themselves and their pets. However, dog owners should realize that some yard care tools, specifically weed killer, can be dangerous, if not deadly, for their pets.

According to a study performed in 2012, the use of pesticides in lawns and parks helped increase the rate of the cancer lymphoma in dogs by 70%. Veterinarians across the country are seeing a rise in dogs who have become ill due to interacting with lawn care chemicals.

What’s good and what’s bad for your four-legged friend when it comes to pesticides and weed killer? Find out more about lawn care and how you can keep your pet safe in addition to having a weed-free yard.

Is lawn weed killer safe for dogs?

If your weed killer contains chemicals, then the answer is no. Many over-the-counter weed killers contain glyphosate, an herbicide that has been linked to cancer in both humans and dogs. The most popular weed spray contains isopropylamine salt of glyphosate.

What are the symptoms of weed killer poisoning?

If your dog is allowed to frolic immediately after any application of weed killer, it could suffer some of these symptoms:

  • Burns or rashes around the mouth or nose
  • Uncontrolled drooling
  • Gastric problems
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Fits or seizures

The general rule of thumb is to keep your dog inside for at least 48 hours after a chemical lawn treatment. If your dog is suffering these symptoms and you suspect it may have been exposed to chemicals, immediately contact your local veterinary provider.

Can weed killer kill dogs?

In the amount that your dog might be exposed to in the yard, it would be highly unlikely. However, if your dog ingested weed killer in large amounts, perhaps from a spilled container in the garage, that could be fatal. Keep all chemicals out of reach from your pet.

What are some pet safe weed killers?

If you’re searching for a new way to treat your lawn, make sure you pay close attention to the labels of any product. Some weed killers tout themselves at pet-friendly, but they may still have some chemicals that can cause health issues for your dog. Keep away from ingredients like:

  • 2,4-D (trimec)
  • Sethoxydim
  • Carbon tetrachloride
  • Choloroform

Is vinegar safe for dogs?

Yes, vinegar is safe for dogs and works well as a weed killer. Many natural weed killers have vinegar as a primary ingredient. You can also use vinegar mixed with water in a spray bottle to attack certain trouble spots in your yard.

Is homemade weed killer safe for pets?

There are several DIY, animal safe weed killers that pet owners have come up with to avoid exposing their dogs to harsh chemicals. Some of these are more effective for spot treatment than overall lawn care, but if you are looking for a quick method to eliminate some pesky weeds, these ingredients can do the trick without causing any harm to your pet.

  • Salt: This will prevent the soil from allowing plants or weeds to grow.
  • Boiling water: This method will immediately kill any unwanted weeds and is effective for a large problem area. But be careful, as the water will kill any plants/grass it touches.
  • Sugar: It may be sweet for us, but it isn’t good for weeds, particularly hard to killer weed trees or vines. Put some sugar at the base of the plant. To avoid creating another issue with pests, mix with chili pepper.
  • Cornmeal: This acts as a pre-emergent on plant seeds. So, it will not harm the plants you have and it will prevent weeds from growing.

How do I know what’s the best weed killer and safe for pets?

Determining what works best for you depends on the amount of coverage you need, the severity of your weed problem and whether you have a green thumb.

There are plenty of (homemade, pet-friendly weed killer recipes) out there, some of which only require mixing one of the ingredients above with water. There are several products you can buy in store or online that are pet friendly and kill pesky weeds. Or, you can put on your garden gloves and pull the weeds out yourself, with your four-legged friend right by your side.

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